pmb [at] rmtrr [dot] org
Species __________________________________________________________
Common Name _____________________________________________________
Age _________________________ Type of age (1) _____________________
Sample ID (2) ______________________________________________________
Site name (3) ______________________________________________________
Geographic location (4) ______________________________________________
Collector(s) _________________________________________________________
Dater(s) (5) __________________________________________________________
References (6) _______________________________________________________
Submitter's name and address ________________________________________
Also, if you have any digital
photos of the tree, please send them too if you
don't mind them being posted
on the web site.
Five types of ages are recognized in the database:
XD: crossdated
RC: ring counted
EX: extrapolations (based on ring measurements usually)
HI: historic record
C14: based on a
radiocarbon dated piece of wood
The collector's identification number
The collector's name for the site where the tree was sampled
State, province, country, mountain range, etc. Also latitude/longitude
if known
Or counter(s) in the case of a ring-counted age
Any publications or other reports that mention or use the tree